Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My first post

Hello world! I am making a blog! Finally!

I have been meaning to start to do some mind dumps of all the things I think about, since I figure if I find them interesting, I bet someone else out there will too. I will try to only dump my good ideas and thoughts on here, but no guarantees!

First off, introductions! I am me, Simon Cook, you are someone out there in the world (hopefully) or maybe some search engine crawler, and I would like to introduce you to some text!

I am a 4th year undergrad at UofT studying computer science and cognitive science, and I plan one day to be a video game developer. I like thinking about how our minds work, how our minds work when playing video games, how our video games work when playing our minds (aha!), and other such stuff. Oh yeah, and less complicated things (or are they?) like food, shelter, love, life, happiness, music, culture, art, and all those things that make up my life.

I will be updating this frequently as I work off my list of "things I have been wanting to post on the internet but never have" including... A list! Of things I have been wanting to post on the internet but never have. So now you know what to expect! Aren't I a nice guy taking away some uncertainty in your world? Not really, since I also made it more complex since you now have another thing to think about.

And so you have it, a taste of things to come!

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